Tama-Toledo: Concept Overview (8a)
Friday, December 10, 2021 - Mark McFate
This is the overall concept plan for Tama-Toledo split into eight pages. The first page includes some comments about the overall plan along with a legend of specific project highlights. Those highlights appear on maps of Toledo (page 2) and Tama (page 3). A small overlap of Toledo into Tama, and vis-versa is provided for reference and alignment.
The remaining pages include:
- Page 4: A summary of trail/sidewalk segments A through N with total estimated costs.
- Page 5: Estimated cost details for segments B, C, E, and F.
- Page 6: Estimated cost details for segments F (repeated), G, H, and I.
- Page 7: Estimated cost details for segments J, K, L, and M.
- Page 8: Estimated cost details for segment N (not labeled), the estimated grand total, and notes.
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